
Sakthy Selvakumaran


Sakthy Selvakumaran is a Chartered Civil Engineer who has worked across different countries and cultures in design, contracting and international development roles. These roles include designing new structures on mega-projects like the Crossrail underground line in London, assessment to upgrade ageing infrastructure assets, and working on sites to reconstruct housing destroyed by earthquakes in Peru.  She has also worked in industry R&D roles for a construction company, developing new solutions and technologies to change the way infrastructure is designed, constructed and maintained. Her academic research at University of Cambridge applies rapidly advancing radar satellite imagery technologies which can monitor millimetre scale changes on the earth’s surface. This is done to understand how such technologies can support the monitoring of bridge and infrastructure assets and predict signs of failure and collapses. She is now leading a new research group within Cambridge Engineering Department and is the Co-Founder and CEO of a software start-up. Her achievements include being named on the Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe List, the Financial Times Top 100 Women in UK Engineering list, serving as an ICE President’s Apprentice and being appointed to the Young Professionals Panel of the National Infrastructure Commission in the UK.